Archive for the ‘public speaking’ Category

Sell it with structure

April 16, 2015

what so what now whatIf you’re in the business of selling ideas – and who isn’t? – here’s a tip for organising your thoughts that will help you and the person you’re speaking to.

It’s the What? So what? Now what? structure.  Start off with the facts (that’s the What? part). Then follow up with outcomes and consequences (So what?). End with the next step that needs to be taken (Now what?).

This easy-to-remember formula is useful for answering questions, presenting ideas, or even introducing someone.


The surprising truth about self-promotion

February 18, 2013

Self-promotionStrange as it may sound, people will be more impressed by your potential that by what you have already accomplished. Stanford and Harvard Business School researchers Zakary Tormala and Jayson Jia argue that we find potential more intriguing than accomplishments because it’s more uncertain. Thinking about potential prompts deeper reflection, and so more positive engagement.

In one study, PhD candidates were appraised based on letters of recommendation written by their college professors. Those described as having greater potential were preferred over similar candidates with a great track record.

The lesson? The Next Big Thing is more highly regarded  than the current Big Thing.

So next time you write your bio, or craft an introduction for a presentation you are making, let people know about the projects you are working on and your vision for the future. (A caveat: your claims need to be credible, expressed with subtlety, and backed up with evidence or third-party endorsements.)